Thousands of cigarette butts have gone from being highly polluting waste to works of art

Martes 23 de Abril de 2024

Thanks to the "colillatones" organized by Cultur in its service units

 In Mérida, Yucatán, on April 23, 2024, Cultur received two new works of art made from cigarette butts collected at the "El Corchito" stopover and the Meteorite Museum, both spaces located in Progreso and managed by this department.

As reported, on December 20, 2023, the general director of Cultur delivered 5,2575 cigarette butts to architect Miranda Jacqueline Escalante Moguel to transform them into two works of art, specifically into paintings that are now a reality.

With these two new artistic pieces, Cultur now has four thanks to an equal number of "colillatones" held not only at the aforementioned locations but also at the Yucatán Siglo XXI Convention and Exhibition Center - including its cinemas - and at the Chichén Itzá stopover.

In all cases, at each of the aforementioned sites, the department has already obtained the respective recognitions as "100% Smoke-Free and Emission-Free Spaces."

Mauricio Díaz Montalvo, general director of Cultur expressed his gratitude for Miranda's very professional work, as her artwork serves as an iconic record of the effort made by Cultur's staff as a contribution to decontaminating the mentioned service units from cigarette butts. He also thanked the Yucatán Health Services (SSY) for granting Cultur the mentioned recognitions.

As reported, Cultur initiated actions to obtain recognition as "100% Smoke-Free and Emission-Free Spaces" in several of the spaces it manages. The first was in May 2022 at the Yucatán Siglo XXI Convention Center, collecting 12,9000 butts. The second was in September of that same year at the Chichén Itzá stopover with 5,125 residues. The third was in August 2023 at the Meteorite Museum and the fourth in early November 2023 with 1,525 waste. In total, Cultur collected 23,300 cigarette butts, most of which are now works of art.

Publicado por: Cultur

Notas Publicadas

Cultur adopts a female dog, thus closing the "Operation Rescue Dogs of Kukulkan"

In total, 13 dogs were rescued from the archaeological zone of Chichen
Miércoles 24 de Julio de 2024

Mérida, Yucatán, July 24, 2024. Cultur and the Perpólis Association delivered "Coquito" for adoption this morning, a female dog that was rescued in the archaeological zone of Chichen Itza, as part of a plan to take care of the remains of this wonder of the contemporary world and also for public health, reported Mauricio Díaz Montalvo, general director of the department.

The other dog pending for adoption was "Dalila," the mother of the aforementioned puppy, but the person in charge of the mentioned Association, Lourdes Durán Leal, decided to keep her and take on the responsibility of caring for her.

By giving all the rescued dogs in Chichen for adoption, this is how Cultur concludes the so-called "Operation Rescue Dogs of Kukulkan," considering that there is little time left for the current administration.

"Coquito," the last dog given for adoption, was rescued by Cultur since last January, along with her four siblings and her mother. As of today, she has new owners who left happily and with the commitment to take care of her and attend to her as another family member.

The dog was received by Julio Pavía, who lives in San Pedro Noh Pat - a community located next to the road to Valladolid. Since their first contact, the little animal showed that she is capable of living with people and allowed herself to be held and petted.

Summary of what was done with the Operation Rescue Dogs of Kukulkan

The "Operation Rescue Dogs of Kukulkan" added up to 13 dogs in total, of which only one was returned to its habitat since it was considered feral and therefore would not have been able to coexist with people; all others were given up for adoption.

The first rescue took place on February 11, 2022 (1); the second was on May 2 (2); on June 17 three more were rescued, and on August 1, 2023, the last one known as "El Chino," who was about to lose one of his legs as he arrived with a serious wound close to gangrene. With the last rescue in January this year (6), the number practically doubled, reaching 13.

As reported at that time, this project started before the Covid-19 pandemic at INAH's request since many dogs were detected climbing up the castle of Chichen Itza, which could cause damage to this architectural gem, plus representing a public health risk as they received no attention. Due to the health emergency it was suspended but resumed in 2022.

This plan started with the collaboration of Planned Pethood veterinary clinic, represented by MVZ Antonio Ríos Pérez; Perpópolis, led by Lourdes Durán; and Cinco Patas, under Azalía May's responsibility.

In all cases, the rescued dogs were handed over to the veterinarian who took care of deworming them, sterilizing them, vaccinating them and providing necessary attention so they are free from diseases and can be handed over to their new owners.

Finally, Díaz Montalvo thanked everyone who participated in this program as this made it possible to give a home to 13 dogs who now have a decent home where they live happily and safely.

-The objective was fulfilled as far as circumstances allowed... It will be up to the next administration to decide whether or not to continue with this program - he concluded.

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From April to June, Cultur's staff found and returned 7 iPhones to tourists

Six cases occurred in Chichén Itzá and one at the Siglo XXI Convention Center
Jueves 11 de Julio de 2024

Mérida, Yucatán, July 11, 2024. During the last quarter, from April to June, once again the maintenance staff of the Chichén parador and the security staff of the Siglo XXI, sites managed by Cultur, were protagonists of seven acts of honesty as they found seven lost cell phones and returned them to their owners.

Of the seven reported cases, six occurred in Chichén Itzá and one at the Convention Center, and coincidentally in all cases they were iPhones, one of the most expensive brands in today's market.

In April, three cases were reported, two at the Chichén parador and one at the Siglo XXI. In May and June, the remaining four cases were at the parador of the archaeological zone.

The tourists who benefited from the honesty of Cultur's employees visited us from Australia, USA (2), Chile (2), Mexico City, and Mérida.

The involved maintenance staff were María Luz Alba Pech Dzul from the Chichén Itzá parador (3 returns), Blanca Natali Kimil Cemé (2), Gabino Caamal Caamal, and from the Siglo XXI, security guard Freddy del Jesús Cob Pérez.

Thank you from Cultur's general director

The department's general director Mauricio Díaz Montalvo publicly thanks all his collaborators for these displays of honesty that raise the name of the department and Yucatán.

"The tourists truly leave enchanted not only by seeing our archaeological wonders like Chichén Itzá but also by recovering their valuable belongings that mean a lot to them, especially when the action comes from humble people," he emphasized.

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